May 14, 2012

Mother's Day with Chickens!

Happy  (Delayed) Mother's Day! Today my family went to a farm with chickens for sale, and a great place to buy chickens too! Though we were only visiting (The farmer was a student of my mother's), chickens may join us. The farmer got his chicks from a hatchery with 98% accuracy in the gender department with chicks vaccinated for some diseases. It's perfect, the only reason he's selling them is because you can order twenty-five chicks minimum! And so many breeds! Out of the chicks he had, he and his wife introduced us to a few of the breeds: Amercaunas, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Red, Polish, Andalusian Blue, and Turkens! And we got to hold them! As well as this, he showed us his matured Amercaunas and Wyandottes, as well as Copper Marans juveniles (Though two of the Marans are suspected to be roosters). And the chicks they are selling seem to be really calm and docile. Okay, except when you're putting them down. Then they go nuts!
It was a great experience holding the chicks! At first, they seem to be insane and wild, but as you progress. They stop peeping and close their eyes, trying to stay awake. They're so placid!
And, if we do end up getting some, I hope we get an Amercauna or Rhode Island.
And the reason this post was delayed was because of the absence of pictures on my computer.
My personal favorite, the Rhode Island Red. Not only are they really sweet, especially this one, but they're egg-laying machines!
All the assorted breeds. The only ones I can recognize are the Turkens, Polish, Rhode Islands, and Amercaunas. But they have so many more!
A full-grown Amercauna rooster. And a good-sized one, too! He was much bigger than I expected him to be. A very calm for a rooster, which was very unusual. It was the only [full-grown] rooster they had at this farm, and only to protect the flock.
So hens may be added within a few years. Not right now, certainly! Chicks would stress out the dogs! And Rosy's life will be changed enough with a puppy, and Shorty will be stressed out enough by leaving her mother and littermates. But still, we're looking at hatcheries with our desired breeds (Turkens, Amercaunas, and Rhode Islands) and reading plenty of books. And visiting farmers.
On the dog side, only 11 more days until Shorty comes home with us! Yay! And I've been training Rosy way too fast, so I need to reteach her target training. Oh, impatient me!

Pictures courtesy of my talented sister.

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